For 50 years, Griffin Gun Club has been a shooting sports facility for members and their families. We provide opportunities for youth clay target shotgun and rimfire rifle training and competitions.

About Our Club
Our property covers 85 acres in Spalding County. Our facilities include four skeet fields, two trap fields, a 100-yard rifle range, a 50-yard rimfire range, three pistol bays and a 50-yard bay for rifle and pistol shooting. Our spacious clubhouse accommodates meetings and dining events for up to 75 people, served from a new kitchen designed for professional meal preparation. As our membership grows, two more trap fields and another pistol bay are planned.
Members and their families may visit our facilities every day of the week and shoot from 8:00 AM until 10:00 PM.

Our skeet and trap fields are open daily and lighted for evening shoots. Five area Youth Shotgun teams and two 4-H Club teams train and compete at our club. We host three Skeet tournaments a year and several registered and other trap shoots a year. We conduct periodic 10 – week social trap leagues.
We have a shotgun patterning board for our turkey hunters.
We have a 5-Stand sporting clays range.

Our 100-yard rifle range hosts a variety of activities, including Benchrest Competitions, WWI and WWII Military Rifle shoots, and rifle sight-in opportunities for our hunters and invited guests before deer season. Targets may be shot at 50 and 100 yards.
Our Griffin Long Rifles group conducts a monthly Black Powder Shoot featuring muzzle-loaders.

Our members enjoy centerfire and rimfire pistol target shooting on our bays. Paper targets, as well as steel targets, are available. In addition, we regularly schedule members’ fun shoots, featuring action-pistol scenarios and Cowboy fun shoots, featuring guns of the old west.

Our skeet and trap fields are open daily and lighted for evening shoots. Five area Youth Shotgun teams and two 4-H Club teams train and compete at our club. We host three Skeet tournaments a year and several registered and other trap shoots a year. We conduct periodic 10 – week social trap leagues.
We have a shotgun patterning board for our turkey hunters.
We have a 5-Stand sporting clays range.

Our 100-yard rifle range hosts a variety of activities, including Benchrest Competitions, WWI and WWII Military Rifle shoots, and rifle sight-in opportunities for our hunters and invited guests before deer season. Targets may be shot at 50 and 100 yards.
Our Griffin Long Rifles group conducts a monthly Black Powder Shoot featuring muzzle-loaders.

Our members enjoy centerfire and rimfire pistol target shooting on our bays. Paper targets, as well as steel targets, are available. In addition, we regularly schedule members’ fun shoots, featuring action-pistol scenarios and Cowboy fun shoots, featuring guns of the old west.